The early years foundation stage sets out is a curriculum for children age 0-5 years. All OFSTED registered early years providers must adhere to the early years foundation stage, the children will learn through the love of play and the scaffolding and nurturing of nursery practitioners. The new framework is effective from September 2021 and was revised to make it clearer and easier to use, with more focus on the things that matter most. This new framework also has a greater emphasis on your role in helping your child develop.
It sets out-
The seven area of learning:
Expected levels that your child should reach at age five, these expectations are called the early learning goals.
Three formal assessments take place during the EYFS: • Two-Year Progress Check (this will happen between the ages of 24 to 36 months) • Reception Baseline Assessment (at the start of the reception year) • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (at the end of the EYFS)
At Rising Stars Day Nursery, all children's experiences will be happy, active, exciting, fun and secure and will support their development, care, and learning needs. We will work in close partnership with all parents and carers, asking for regular contributions to their child's learning from home so we can all work together to meet their individual needs and interests.
Our environment will help children become independent and confident and will provide an inquisitive environment for them to explore and play. We will integrate the characteristics of effective learning throughout our environment. These are:
Playing and exploring
Active learning
Creating and thinking critically
Each child will be allocated a key worker once they start at the nursery, they will be responsible for their assessment and learning. We will share this through termly reports, observations, and next steps.
Fundamental British values have been embedded in the early year's foundation stage since 2014.
These are:
Democracy – everyone is treated equally and has equal rights.
Rule of law – understanding that rules and boundaries matter
Individual liberty – focusing on children self confidence, self awareness, people and communities
Mutual respect and tolerance – learning to treat others how we want to be treated, managing our feelings and behaviour and forming relationships with others.
The early years foundation stage requires that parents and carers must be supplied with a short summary of their child development in the three prime area when they are aged between 24-36 months.
Prime areas
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication and language
Physical development
Specific Areas
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and designs
The legal welfare requirements that everyone registered to look after children must follow to keep your child safe and promote their welfare - a few of the ways we do this is by-
Having a rigorous safer requitement policy to ensure our staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children and young people. It's a vital part of creating a safe and positive environment and making a commitment to keep children safe from harm.
All staff have regular training on safeguarding children
Highly qualified and experienced staff
Assessments that will tell you about your child's progress through the EYFS.
Some of the ways we do this is by-
Having a key person approach
hold a parents evening each term.
Send home termly reports.
Observe your children daily and update their development using your child's individual 'scrap book'.
Daily updates using our Parents app.
Regular Facebook updates.
Monthly Observations